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Catalog Subsystem

The catalog subsystemprovides online catalog navigation, partitioning, categorization, and associations. In addition and includes support for personalized interest lists and custom catalog display pages. The catalog subsystem contains all logic and data relevant to an online catalog, including catalog groups (or categories), catalog entries, and any associations or relationships among them

Master Catalog: The central location to manage the store's merchandise.
Everything in a store is contained within the master catalog. This can be shared across stores.

Sales Catalog: A sales catalog is a subset of the merchandise and services found in the master catalog. Allows us to display structure to associate products to more than one category

Check the link to know about the types of catalog entries.

Important tables related to Catalog Subsystem

CATALOG: This table holds the information related to a catalog.
STORECAT: This table holds the relationship between StoreEntities and the Catalogs that they offer.
STOREDEFCAT: This table holds the relationship between store and the default catalog
CATGROUP: This table hold the information related to a catalog group. A catalog group is similar to a generic category that can contain both other catalog groups and also catalog entries.
CATGRPREL: This table relates catalog groups (or categories) to child catalog group (or child categories).
CATGPENREL: This table relates catalog groups (or categories) to the catalog entries that are inside them. 
CATTOGRP: This table identifies the root catalog groups (or root categories) contained within a catalog. 
CATGRPTPC: This table relates master catalogs with trading position containers. 
CATALOGDSC: This table holds language-dependent information related to a catalog.
CATENTRY: This table holds the information related to a catalog entry. 
CATENTTYPE: This table defines all possible types of catalog entries. The supported default types are: ProductBean, ItemBean, PackageBean, BundleBean and DynamicKitBean.
CATENTREL: This table holds containment relationships between catalog entries.  
CATENTDESC: This table holds language-dependent information related to a catalog entry. 
CATRELTYPE: This table describes the types of containment relationships between catalog entries


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