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Redirect vs Forward



When redirection happens from a command, the View or JSP will run in a new transaction
When we are forwarding from a command to a View/JSP, the command and the JSP will run in the same transaction
Exception in the JSP won't roll back whatever is done in the command
Exception in the JSP will rollback whatever happened in the command
Redirection hapens via URL, so objects cannot be passed back to view in the response. To be simple, name value pairs can be passed back
Objects can be passed back to the view

The URL in the browser changes in case of redirection. Hence there is a browser URL length limitation with IE browser
The URL in the browser does not change
If user refreshes the page only the view will be loaded again

If user presses refresh button or F5 the command will be executed again
Sample Code
TypedProperty response = new TypedProperty();

Sample Code
TypedProperty response = new TypedProperty();
response.put(ECConstants.EC_VIEWTASKNAME, "SampleView");       

 Note for RedirectView:

Handling the length limitation
  • Overriding the getViewInputProperties method in the controller command and return only the required sets of parameters in the redirect response. The below new method removes the unwanted parameters and send only required parameters to the view.
             public TypedProperty getViewInputProperties() {
                TypedProperty tempProp = viewReqProperties;
                return tempProp;

  • Using a specified special character in the URL parameters, indicating that these parameters can be removed from the input parameter string.

              E.g., URL="TestViewName?prop2*="

              Here, prop2*= means remove all parameters which has names starting with prop2 should be removed


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